

中国石化新闻网讯 据油气在线休斯敦8月28日消息,挪威国家石油公司Statoil和YPF已经同意联合勘探阿根廷内乌肯陆上盆地的油气资源。 挪国油将作为合伙人进入到面积达157平方公里的Bajo del Toro勘探许可区并持有50%的权益,YPF作为作业者持有另外50%权益。作为交换,挪国油将承担该区块过去发生的成本,并将承提未来该区块进行勘探活动的全部成本。 面积达3万平方公里的Vaca Muerta构造区是该盆地的主要目标。 唐绍红 摘译自 油气在线 原文如下: Statoil enters Argentina in Vaca Muerta pact with YPF Statoil ASA and YPF SA have agreed to jointly explore for oil and gas in the Neuquen basin onshore Argentina. Statoil will enter the 157-sq-km Bajo del Toro exploration permit as a partner with 50% participating interest, with operator YPF retaining 50% interest. As a consideration, Statoil will recognize past costs incurred on the block and fund 100% of the cost of certain future activities. The 30,000-sq-km Vaca Muerta formation is the main target in the basin.  
