中国石化新闻网讯 据油气在线休斯敦8月25日消息,俄气石油公司表示,公司位于伊拉克东部巴德拉油田的一座天然气工厂正在进行性能测试,预计第四季度将正式投产。该工厂可以处理16亿立方米/年的天然气。
庞晓华摘译自 油气在线
原文如下: Gazprom Neft gas plant in Iraq undergoes performance testing Gazprom Neft PJSC said a gas plant at Badra field in eastern Iraq is undergoing performance testing and is expected to go into commercial production in the fourth quarter. It will be able to process 1.6 billion cu m/year. The company has begun trial shipments of liquefied petroleum gas to Iraq’s state-owned Gas Filling Co. Gas also is being sent to the Az-Zubaydiyah electric power station 100 km away. Gazprom Neft said the gas production complex will greatly increase electricity production in Iraq.