

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站8月25日休斯敦报道,美国内政部麾下的安全和环境执法局(BSEE)周五(25日)宣布,由于飓风哈维,美国墨西哥湾大约22%的石油产量已被关闭。 这相当于每天大约37.7117万桶石油产量已被关闭。美国此前在墨西哥湾平均每天生产大约175万桶石油。 BSEE说,由于飓风哈维,美国墨西哥湾大约23.2%或大约7.48亿立方英尺/天的天然气产量已被关闭。 BSEE说,迄今墨西哥湾大约86个平台上的作业人员已被疏散,占到这个地区在用平台总数的大约12%。此外,在墨西哥湾部署的10部钻机中已有4部钻机撤离。 BSEE在调查了墨西哥湾30油气个作业公司以后公布了上述统计数据。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Harvey Knocks Out 22% of U.S. Gulf Oil Production About 22 percent of U.S. Gulf of Mexico oil production is offline due to Hurricane Harvey, the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement said on Friday.
That equates to roughly 377,117 barrels of oil per day, out of the roughly 1.75 million barrels pumped daily from the Gulf.
About 23.2 percent of Gulf natural gas production is offline due to Harvey, or about 748 million cubic feet per day, BSEE said.
Roughly 86 platforms have been evacuated in the Gulf so far, about 12 percent in the region. Four of the 10 drilling rigs in the Gulf have also been evacuated, BSEE said.
BSEE tabulates the data by polling 30 Gulf operators.  
