

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯8月25日伦敦报道,消息人士周五(25日)说,欧洲的丙烯市场将在9月下半月接收来自美国和巴西的丙烯进口商品。 消息人士说,一批3000吨聚合物级丙烯货物9月初将在巴西装船,巴西的这批丙烯货物预计将在9月下半月在西北欧找到一个买家。 另外一批丙烯货物将在9月的第一周内在美国墨西哥湾沿岸装船。 考虑中的运输船能够装运1.3万吨丙烯,但是,消息人士说,这艘运输船很有可能装运混合产品货物。 欧洲聚合物级丙烯现货市场价格最后一次被评估在比欧洲790欧元/吨FD NEW合同价格溢价9%。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: US, Brazil propylene to arrive in Europe H2 September: sources The European propylene market is set to receive imports from the US and Brazil in the second half of September, sources said Friday.
A 3,000 mt polymer grade propylene cargo is loading in Brazil at the beginning of the month and is expected to find a home in Northwest Europe in the second half of September, sources said.
Another cargo is loading in the first week of September in the US Gulf.
The vessel in question can carry up to 13,000 mt of propylene, but sources said it was likely the cargo in question was a mix of products.
The European polymer grade propylene spot market was last assessed at a 9% premium to the European contract price of Eur790/mt FD NWE.  
