

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯8月25日新加坡报道,亚洲乙二醇价格周五(25日)下午触及6个月高位的898美元/吨CFR中国,其利润率扩大到每吨10美元。 乙二醇CFR中国价格上一次被评估在898美元/吨的时间是在今年的2月16日。 由于下游聚酯需求通常保持稳定以及其高需求季节已经减弱,因此,本周乙二醇价格突然飙升让市场参与者感到意外。乙二醇高需求季节通常是从每年的4份月到6月份。 导致本周亚洲乙二醇价格飙升的其中一个原因是终端用户——例如聚酯制造商——预期中国10月1日开始的黄金周假期将会断供因而开始为9月份储存乙二醇。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Asia monoethylene glycol prices hit six-month high on upcoming holidays, plant turnarounds Asian monoethylene glycol prices hit a six-month high of $898/mt CFR China Friday afternoon, with margins flipping to a positive of $10/mt.
The last time the MEG CFR China marker was assessed at $898/mt was on February 16 this year.
The sudden spike in MEG prices this week surprised market participants, as downstream polyester demand is generally stable and its high demand season has waned as it typically runs from April to June.
One of the reasons cited for the price spike was end-users such as polyester manufacturers heard to be stockpiling MEG cargoes for September as China will be off for its Golden Week holiday starting October 1.  
