

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月24日吉达报道,行业消息人士说,沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美)和沙特基础工业公司(萨比克)日前启动了他们的原油制化工产品联合项目工程工作的招标,这是朝开发200多亿美元炼化联合体迈出的关键一步。 其中一名消息人士对路透社说,这个被称为COTC的项目是把沙特阿拉伯两巨头合在一起的首个重大计划。这个项目将加工阿拉伯轻质和超重质原油。 这个炼化联合体预计将建几个新厂,包括一个40万桶/天的综合原油蒸馏和真空装置,一个馏分油加氢处理装置,一个真空轻油加氢处理装置,一个残余流体催化裂化装置,一个混合原料裂解装置以及聚乙烯、聚丙烯、丁二烯和芳烃回收装置。。 沙特阿美和萨比克时下仍在考虑在哪里找到化工产品存放的地点:在延布靠近一个发电厂或在靠近萨达拉的朱拜勒。萨达拉是一个由沙特阿美和美国陶氏化学公司组建的合资公司。 李峻 编译自 路头社 原文如下: Saudi Aramco, SABIC Launch Bidding At Key Chemical Project Saudi Aramco and Saudi Basic Industries Corp (SABIC) have launched bidding for engineering work on their joint crude oil to chemicals project, industry sources said, a key step towards developing the $20-billion-plus complex. The project, known as COTC, the first major scheme to bring the two giants together, is expected to process Arabian Light and Extra Light crude oil, one of the sources told Reuters. Several plants are expected to be built including a 400,000-barrels-per-day integrated crude distillation and vacuum unit, a distillate hydrotreater, a vacuum gas oil hydrocracker, a residual fluid catalytic cracking unit, a mixed feed cracker, as well as polyethylene, polypropylene, butadiene and aromatics recovery units. Aramco and SABIC are still considering where to locate the chemicals site; at Yanbu, near a power plant; or in Jubail, close to Sadara, which is an Aramco joint venture with U.S. company Dow Chemical.  
