中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月23日吉隆坡报道,马来西亚国家新闻社Bernama周三刊文报道说,在取消了在加拿大的液化天然气(LNG)项目的计划以后,马来西亚国家石油公司(马国油/Petronas)时下正在考虑投资一条管道来出售其在加拿大的天然气资产。 Bernama援引马国油上游首席执行官阿努亚的话报道说,马国油将利用这条连接拥有22.3万亿立方英尺非常规天然气储量的加拿大西部地区和加拿大其余地区和北美地区的管道在市场上出售天然气资源。 他说:“我们时下正在与合作伙伴或各方研究合作的可能性,以寻找能够建造一条把该地区与加拿大其他地区市场连接起来的天然气管道。” 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Petronas Considering Pipeline Investments To Monetize Gas Assets Malaysia’s Petroliam Nasional Berhad is considering investing in a pipeline to market its Canadian gas assets after scrapping plans for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) project in Canada, state news agency Bernama said on Wednesday. Petronas, as the company is known, would use the pipeline to connect and market natural gas resources from an area of western Canada which has 22.3 trillion cubic feet of proven unconventional gas to the rest of Canada and North America, Bernama said, citing an interview with the company’s upstream Chief Executive Mohd Anuar Taib. “We are now looking at the possibility of working together with partners or parties to look at a pipeline that could be built to connect that area to the rest of Canadian market,” he said.