

中国石化新闻网讯 据MENAFN网站8月22日伦敦报道,英国牛津能源研究所杰出研究员乔纳森·斯特恩教授日前对采访他的阿塞拜疆Trend通讯社记者说,未来从美国购买液化天然气(LNG)的国家数目可能进一步增加。 这名专家认为,波兰、波罗的海国家和乌克兰之所以购买美国LNG,这是因为他们把独立于俄罗斯天然气看成对他们的能源和国家安全至关重要。但斯特恩认为,除了上述提到的国家以外,一切都将取决于价格和竞争力。 斯特恩表示,如果美国LNG的价格低于其他天然气来源,买家将购买美国的LNG。如果不是,他们就不会购买。 8月21日,第一批LNG从美国运抵立陶宛的克莱佩达港。6月7日,波兰收到了首批美国LNG。 美国能源信息署(EIA)预计美国LNG出口在未来几年里将会增加。来自EIA的报告说,由于目前在建的5个新项目将在今后3年里陆续投产,美国的液化能力到2019年将从2016年底的14亿立方英尺/天增加到95亿立方英尺/天。 根据建设计划,EIA预计美国在2020年前将拥有全球第三大LNG出口能力,仅次于澳大利亚和卡塔尔。 李峻 编译自 MENAFN 原文如下: Number of US LNG buyers can increase further The number f countries buying liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the US can increase, Professor Jonathan Stern, distinguished research fellow at Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, told Trend. ‘Poland, the Baltic countries and Ukraine buy US LNG because they regard independence from Russian gas as important to their energy and national security. But aside from the mentioned countries, everything will depend on price and competitiveness,’ the expert believes. If US LNG is cheaper than other sources of gas, it will be purchased, if it is not, then it won’t, said Stern. On Aug.21, the first batch of LNG was delivered to Klaipeda port of Lithuania from the US. Poland received first US LNG on June 7. The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) expects the country’s LNG exports to increase in coming years. ‘US liquefaction capacity continues to expand as five new projects currently under construction come online in the next three years, increasing total US liquefaction capacity from 1.4 billion cubic feet per day at the end of 2016 to 9.5 billion cubic feet per day by the end of 2019,’ said the report from EIA. Based on construction plans, EIA expects that by 2020 the United States will have the third-largest LNG export capacity in the world after Australia and Qatar.  
