

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月22日里约热内卢报道,巴西国家石油公司(巴西国油)的一名官员周二(22日)在里约热内卢说,该公司部署在巴西海上利布拉地区的第一部钻机将在9月底或10月份开始石油生产。 技术问题推迟了官员们先前对钻机7月份开始石油生产的预测。 利布拉项目的主管奥斯蒙德·科埃略在里约日内卢举行的一次行业会议上说:“利布拉地区的石油生产因技术问题被推迟了大约2至3个月的时间。” 由于以巴西国油为首的国际财团准备实施延长时间的生产测试来达到最初日产3万桶原油的计划,该国际财团在产油井与钻机连接一事上遇到了技术问题。 利布拉地区是巴西最大石油储量之一,巴西石油监管机构ANP估计利布拉地区拥有80亿至120亿桶可采石油储量。巴西国油担任这个国际财团的作业者,其合作伙伴有壳牌公司、道达尔公司、中国石油天然气集团公司和中国石油化工集团公司。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Petrobras Says Test Production In Libra Area To Start In Weeks Oil production from the first rig to operate in Brazil’s offshore Libra area should start in late September or October, an official at state-controlled oil company Petroleo Brasileiro SA said on Tuesday. Technical problems delayed officials’ previous forecast of a July start for the rig. “We are talking about two or three months of delay in relation to what we intended to do previously,” Osmond Coelho, a general manager for the Libra project, said at an industry event in Rio de Janeiro. The consortium led by Petrobras had a technical problem connecting the well to the rig, as it prepares the extended-duration production test with a view to produce initially 30,000 barrels of oil per day. Libra is one of the largest oil reserves in Brazil, with recoverable volumes estimated by oil regulator ANP of between 8 billion and 12 billion barrels. Petrobras, as the company is known, is the operator in the consortium that includes Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Total SA and the Chinese companies CNPC e CNOOC.  
