

中国石化新闻网讯 据TABNinfo网站8月22日德黑兰报道,伊朗媒体21日援引伊朗石油部的统计数据报道说,伊朗在3月至7月出口了718.8万吨石化产品,价值超过34.96亿美元。 在去年同期伊朗出口了684.7万吨价值30.28亿美元的石化产品,同比增加了4.68亿美元。 截止到7月22日,在帕尔斯经济特区内,努里石化联合体在此期间出口了4.5亿美元的石化产品,在该经济特区内所有石化联合体中位居第一。位居第二的是帕尔斯石化联合体,出口了3.1亿美元的石化产品,而位居第三的是扎格罗斯石化联合体,出口了2.99799亿美元的石化产品。 李峻 编译自 TABNinfo.com 原文如下: Iran petchem export up by $468m in 4 months Iran’s petrochemicals exports between March and July reached 7.188 million tons, worth more than $3.496 billion, a report said.
In the same period of preceding year the amount was 6.847 million tons valued at $3.028 billion, reported Irna, citing a Ministry of Petroleum report.
Until July 22, in Pars Energy Special Economic Zone, Nouri Petrochemical Complex by exporting more than $450 million ranked first among complexes of the zone.
Pars Petrochemical by exporting more than $310 million took the second rank and Zagros Petrochemical by exporting more than $299.799 million ranked third in the zone.
