

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月22日伦敦报道,周一,一家追踪欧佩克出货量的公司作出预测,欧佩克本月将减产419000桶/日,这反映出沙特阿拉伯和其他产油国减少出口的计划。 欧佩克14个成员组织已同意在2018年3月之前减产约120万桶/日,设法减少库存,抬升价格。 到目前为止,该协议的遵守程度一直很高,但欧佩克的产量在7月份达到了2017年的峰值,有部分原因是利比亚和尼日利亚的产量增加了,他们由于在动荡下生产力薄弱,被免除了减产。 PetroLogistics的首席执行官Daniel Gerber在一封电子邮件中表示:“预计8月份OPEC-14供应量平均为3280万桶/日,比7月份的2017年高位下降41.9万桶/日,” “欧佩克的原油出口在8月份的前半段下降了75万桶。 拉丁美洲的原油出口增加了,而中东和非洲的出口则减少了。” 总部设于日内瓦的PetroLogistics是通过追踪油轮货运来对欧佩克的供应做评估的众多咨询公司之一。 蔡小全 编译自 路透社 原文如下: OPEC oil supply set for drop in August OPEC oil supply is set to fall by 419,000 barrels per day (bpd) this month, a company that tracks OPEC shipments forecast on Monday, reflecting plans for lower exports by Saudi Arabia and reductions by other producers. The 14-member Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries has agreed to cut output by about 1.2 million bpd until March 2018 in an effort to reduce inventories and support prices. Compliance with the deal has been high so far but OPEC production hit a 2017 peak in July, in part on increased output from Libya and Nigeria, which were exempted from the pact due to production-sapping unrest. “OPEC-14 supply is expected to average 32.8 million bpd in August representing a decline of 419,000 bpd as compared to the 2017 high observed in July,” Daniel Gerber, chief executive of PetroLogistics, said in an email. “OPEC crude oil exports fell by a whopping 750,000 bpd through the first half of August. An increase was observed in Latin American exports while decreases occurred in both the Middle East and Africa.” Geneva-based PetroLogistics is among a number of consultancies that estimate OPEC supply by tracking tanker shipments.  
