中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社多哈8月20日报道,卡塔尔天然气公司周日表示,卡塔尔国有液化天然气(LNG)公司已首次完成了向两个不同目的地交付的液化天然气的行动。 卡塔尔国有液化天然气公司表示,它已与大型国有企业卡塔尔拉斯拉凡液化天然气公司(Rasgas)在海湾国家的Ras Laffan码头合作共同装载货物,以提高业务的灵活性和效率。 该公司称,这些货物随后被运送到比利时的Zeebrugge液化天然气接收站和英国的South Hook。 此前,这两家供应商一直在向单一地点装载单独的单一货物。 作为全球最大的液化天然气出口国,卡塔尔自6月以来一直与其他四个阿拉伯国家陷入政治争端,但其液化天然气供应并未受到影响。 蔡小全 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Qatar completes first co-loaded LNG deliveries Qatar’s state-owned liquefied natural gas (LNG) companies completed their first co-loaded LNG deliveries to two different destinations, Qatargas said on Sunday. State-owned Qatargas said it had co-loaded the cargoes with majority state-owned Rasgas at the Gulf state’s Ras Laffan terminal in an effort to increase flexibility and efficiency of operations. The cargoes were then delivered to the Zeebrugge LNG terminal in Belgium and South Hook in Britain, it said. The two suppliers had previously been loading separate single cargoes for delivery to single locations. Qatar, the world’s biggest LNG exporter, has been locked in a political dispute with four other Arab states since June but its LNG deliveries have not been affected.