中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月18日新加坡报道,由于越南在国内原油产量不断减少之际加大燃料油精炼,越南8月份原油进口将飙升至创纪录高位。 根据汤森路透Eikon的船运数据,8月份将是越南成为原油净进口国的第一个月。由于这个东南亚国家炼油能力不断增加,这一趋势在未来的几个月里将继续。 导致越南海外原油订单激增的主要原因是越南第二个具有日加工20万桶原油能力的NghiSon炼油厂准备生产液化石油气、汽油、柴油、煤油和航空煤油。这些石油产品将主要用于国内市场。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Vietnam crude oil imports to hit record as refinery gets ready to start Vietnam’s crude oil imports will soar to record highs in August as the country ramps up fuel refining at a time when local crude output is dwindling. August will mark the first month on record in which Vietnam is a net importer of crude oil, according to shipping data in Thomson Reuters Eikon, with the trend set to continue in coming months as the Southeast Asian nation’s refinery capacity grows. The surge in overseas orders comes as Vietnam’s 200,000 bpd Nghi Son refinery, its second such facility, prepares to produce liquefied petroleum gas, gasoline, diesel, kerosene and jet fuel, mainly for the domestic market.