中国石化新闻网讯 据Offshore网站8月17日斯塔万格报道,挪威国家石油公司(挪油)日前从挪威石油安全管理局(PSA)获得了在瓦莱蒙油田和吉娜克罗格油田分别钻取两口生产井和一口勘探井的许可。 挪油已从PSA获得同意在位于挪威北海的瓦莱蒙油田使用“West Elara号”自升式钻探平台完成两口生产井34/11-B-6井和34/11-B-16井的钻井作业。钻井作业预计将在9月或10月开始,两口生产井的钻井作业将持续160天。 在吉娜克罗格油田的15/6-14勘探井的钻井作业将由“Maersk Integrator号”自升式钻探平台完成,钻井作业将在9月份开始,钻井现场水深为116米(381英尺)。如果是一口干井,钻井作业估计将持续17天,如果获得发现,钻井作业估计将持续25天。 李峻 编译自 Offshore 原文如下: PSA authorizes wells on Valemon, Gina Krog Statoil has permission from the Petroleum Safety Authority to drill two production wells on the Valemon field and an exploration well on the Gina Krog field. Statoil has received consent to use the jackup West Elara to drill and complete production wells 34/11-B-6 and 34/11-B-16 on the Valemon field in the Norwegian North Sea. Drilling is expected to start in September/October and last for 160 days. Exploration well 15/6-14 S on the Gina Krog field is to be drilled by the jackup Maersk Integrato. Water depth at the site is 116 m (381 ft). Drilling is estimated to last 17 days in the event of a dry well and 25 days in the event of a discovery, and will start in September.