

中国石化新闻网讯 v据美国彭博新闻社8月17日迪拜报道,由于国内库存不断减少,世界最大原油出口国沙特阿拉伯6月份原油出口量下降到了过去近3年来的最少数量。 根据总部设在利雅得的全球著名石油数据库联合石油数据库(JODI)周四发布的统计数据,沙特阿拉伯6月份原油日出口量从5月份的692万桶下降到了690万桶,这是2014年9月以来的最低水平。统计数据还显示,沙特阿拉伯6月份国内原油库存量为2.566亿桶,为2012年1月以来的最低水平。 总部设在伦敦的著名能源咨询公司Energy Aspects的分析师Amrita Sen说:“你们可以设想,由于他们不能继续减少库存,原油出口量将进一步下滑。”“很明显,再平衡过程正在全面展开,我们到处在削减库存。” 上个月,沙特阿拉伯能源和工业大臣哈立德·法利赫承诺将对8月份的原油出口进行更大幅度的削减,其每天的出口限额为660万桶。 李峻 编译自 彭博新闻社 原文如下: Saudi crude exports fall just as domestic stockpiles dwindle Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest crude exporter, shipped the least oil in almost three years in June, just as domestic stockpiles are dwindling. Exports fell to 6.9 MMbpd, the lowest since September 2014, from 6.92 MMbbl in May, according to data Thursday on the Joint Organisations Data Initiative website. Domestic stockpiles stood at 256.6 MMbbl, the lowest since January 2012, the data show. “You can assume exports will fall even further going forward because they can’t keep running down stockpiles,” said Amrita Sen, an analyst at Energy Aspects in London. “It is clear that the rebalancing process is in full swing, we are drawing down stockpiles everywhere.” Saudi Arabia’s Energy and Industry Minister Khalid Al-Falih last month promised even deeper cuts to crude exports for August, with shipments capped at 6.6 MMbpd.  
