中国石化新闻网讯 据Trend网站8月17日伦敦报道,国际能源署(IEA)日前在其最新一期报告中表示,液化天然气(LNG)需求的增长预计在2022年底前将不足以使LNG市场重新平衡。 IEA在报告中说:“随着新出口国和进口国的出现,LNG贸易流量的数量和多样性正在迅速增加。液化能力预计在到2022年的一段时间里将增加1600亿立方米,其中澳大利亚将增加30亿立方米,但增幅最大的将是来自美国的90亿立方米。 IEA的分析师说,由于一些大型传统LNG进口国(例如日本)的LNG需求持续下降,这些新增的LNG产能毫无疑问将被添加到一个已经供过于求的市场。 报告说:“在这种情况下,由于LNG价格相对较低,出口商必须努力开拓新的市场。这一努力的结果是进口LNG的国家数量迅速增长,从2005年的15个增加到现在的39个。浮式储存和再气化装置使用的增加促进了LNG需求的增长,它将吸收市场上部分多余的天然气。 IEA的分析师认为,尽管如此,LNG需求的增长预计在预测期结束前将不足以使全球LNG市场重新平衡。LNG的充足供应正在给传统的天然气定价和营销方式带来压力。 李峻 编译自 Trend 原文如下: LNG demand growth not enough to rebalance market by end-2022 The growth in liquefied natural gas (LNG) demand is not expected to be sufficient to rebalance the LNG market before the end of 2022, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said in its report. “The volume and diversity of LNG trade flows are increasing rapidly with the appearance of new exporting and importing countries. Liquefaction capacity is expected to grow by 160 billion cubic meters (bcm) over the period to 2022, led initially by Australia (30 bcm), but with the largest increase in growth then coming from the United States (90 bcm),” said the report. This additional LNG capacity is being added to a market that is already well supplied, particularly as demand is declining in some of the large, traditional LNG importing countries such as Japan, according to IEA analysts. “In these conditions, with relatively low LNG prices, exporters are having to work hard to open up new markets. A sign of this effort is the rapid growth in the number of countries importing LNG, which has already grown from 15 in 2005 to 39 today. This growth in LNG has been helped by the increased use of floating storage and regasification units, and it will absorb some of the surplus gas on the market,” said the report. Nonetheless, the growth in LNG demand is not expected to be sufficient to rebalance the LNG market before the end of the forecast period, IEA analysts believe. Ample availability of LNG is putting pressure on traditional ways of pricing and marketing natural gas, said the report.