

中国石化新闻网讯 据RZNews网站8月16日伦敦报道,意大利石油巨头埃尼公司旗下的油田服务子公司萨伊博姆周二宣布,科威特石油公司(KPC)麾下的子公司科威特石油公司(KOC)日前把一项价值近8.5亿美元的合同授予了萨伊博姆。根据合同,萨伊博姆将铺设一个大约长450公里的管道系统向KOC的新建祖尔炼油厂提供天然气。 萨伊博姆首席执行官斯特凡诺说:“我们对来自诸如KOC那样重要客户的新合同感到特别满意,合同的颁发“标志着萨伊博姆在陆上工程和建设方面的一个新的里程碑并将加强和巩固萨伊博姆在科威特的存在。” 萨伊博姆补充说,合同的工作范围包括建造一个不同直径的管道系统,把原油和天然气从KOC的South Tank Farm总管输送到祖尔炼油厂。此外,萨伊博姆还表示,这个项目将包括一个把精制石油产品运送到科威特国家石油公司(KNPC)的艾哈迈迪港炼油厂的管道网络。这些成品油还将供应科威特水电部所拥有的北方发电厂。 科威特国家石油公司在其官方网站上表示,具有日加工61.5万桶原油能力的祖尔炼油厂项目是世界上最大的新建炼油厂,它将使科威特的炼油总产能增加到140万桶/天。萨伊博姆预计将在2019年试运转这个炼油厂。 李峻 编译自 RZNews.com 原文如下: Saipem to Build Pipelines for Kuwait Refinery Project Kuwait Oil Co. (KOC), a unit of Kuwait Petroleum Corp. (KPC), has awarded Saipem an approximately $850 million contract for a roughly 450-kilometer pipeline system that will feed into KOC’s new Al Zour refinery, Saipem announced Tuesday. “We welcome with particular satisfaction this new contract from such an important client as KOC,” Saipem CEO Stefano Cao said in a written statement. Cao added that the award “marks a new milestone” for Saipem in onshore engineering and construction and “reinforces and consolidates Saipem’s presence in Kuwait.” The scope of work under the contract includes constructing a system of pipelines of various diameter to transport crude oil and natural gas from KOC South Tank Farm manifolds to the Al Zour refinery, Saipem noted. In addition, Saipem stated the project will include a network to carry refined products to storage areas at KNPC’s Mina Al Ahmadi refinery. The refined products also will feed the Northern Power Station owned by Kuwait’s water and electricity ministry, Saipem added. Kuwait National Petroleum Corp., a unit of KPC, states on its website that the 615,000-barrel per day (bpd) Al Zour project is the world’s largest grassroots refinery and will boost Kuwait’s total refinery capacity to 1.4 million bpd. The company anticipates an early 2019 commissioning for the facility.  
