

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站8月16日休斯敦报道,荷兰皇家壳牌公司日前完成了以8.2亿美元的价格把其在沙特石油化工股份有限公司(萨达夫)合资公司中持有的50%股份出售给其合作伙伴沙特基础工业公司(萨比克)。 壳牌公司在8月16日表示,作为壳牌公司的一项更广泛的300亿美元资产剥离计划的一部分,此次萨达夫合资公司50%股份的出售能使该公司更细致地关注下游业务并进行选择性投资来支持其全球化学品业务的增长。 根据壳牌公司的说法,在这笔交易完成后,萨比克将进一步投资萨达夫来优化和整合与萨比克麾下其它子公司的业务。 萨比克和壳牌公司在1980年6月成立了这家合资公司。乙烯生产在1984年10月份开始。合资公司协议将于2020年到期。 李峻 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: Shell sheds 50% stake in SADAF chemicals JV Royal Dutch Shell PLC has completed the sale of its 50% interest in the Saudi Petrochemical Co. (SADAF) joint venture to Saudi Basic Industries Corp. (SABIC), its partner, for $820 million.
Part of Shell’s broader $30-billion divestment program, the chemical sale enables the company to more finely focus its downstream activities and make selective investments to support growth of its global chemicals business, Shell said on Aug. 16. With the transaction now finalized, SABIC plans further investments at SADAF both to optimize and integrate operations of the complex with other SABIC affiliates, according to Shell. SABIC and Shell formed the joint venture in June 1980. Ethylene production began in October 1984. The JV agreement was to have expired in 2020.
