中国石化新闻网讯 据economictimes网站8月16日新德里报道,印度国有石油和天然气公司今天表示,计划在未来5 – 6年内将天然气产量增加一倍,产量超过1亿标准立方米/天。 印度石油天然气公司在位于Dehradund的公司总部的国家独立日庆典上发布了声明,表示尽管油价在过去三年里暴跌,但公司不仅通过增量投入维持了现有油田的产能,而且还采取了大量有意义的,经过测算的投资决策,以确保稳定的产能和财政的增长。 政府计划在未来几年将能源一揽子计划中的天然气比例从6.5%提高到15%。 蔡小全 编译自 economictimes网站 原文如下: ONGC eyes doubling gas production in 5-6 years State-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corp today said it plans to double gas production to over 100 million standard cubic meters per day in the next 5-6 years. In a statement issued on Independence Day celebrations at the company’s headquarters in Dehradun, ONGC said despite tumbling oil prices in the last three years, it not only sustained production from existing fields through incremental inputs but has also taken large meaningful and calculated investment decisions to ensure sustained volumes and financial growth. Government is targeting increase in share of gas in the energy basket from 6.5 per cent to 15 per cent in the next few years.