

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社华盛顿8月16日消息,美国能源部周二表示,该部门将在8月底出售1400万桶战略石油储备。 此次战略石油储备原油的出售是有预期的,因为根据前总统奥巴马在2015年和2016年签署的法律,美国在需要的时间可以出售战略石油储备,以帮助资助医疗研究和联邦政府。 当前美国存储在路易斯安娜州和得克萨斯州沿海地洞中的战略石油储备接近于6.8亿桶,远高于国际供应协议所需要的水平。 唐绍红 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: US to sell 14 MMbbl of crude oil from emergency reserve The US Department of Energy said on Tuesday it will sell 14 MMbbl of crude oil from the nation’s emergency reserve in late August. The sale from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve was expected as it was required under laws signed by former President Barack Obama in 2015 and 2016 to help fund medical research and the overall federal government. The reserve, a series of caverns on the Louisiana and Texas coasts, currently holds nearly 680 MMbbl of oil, far more than required by international supply agreements.  
