

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯8月14日德黑兰报道,伊朗国家石油公司(NIOC)周六在其网站上说,在暂停将近7年以后,伊朗日前恢复了与其他里海国家此前达成的石油互换协议。 根据石油互换协议,伊朗NIOC将接受来自其他里海沿岸国家的石油用于位于伊朗北部的大不里士和德黑兰炼油厂。 作为回报,伊朗NIOC将向其位于波斯湾地区的南部石油终端运送同样数量和质量的原油来交付给里海石油供应国的国际客户。 几艘油轮已在位于伊朗里海海岸的内卡港口卸货。该报告称,互换协议的数量将逐渐增加。然而,报告没有具体说明原油的来源。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Iran restarts oil swaps with other Caspian states after 7-year hiatus Iran’s oil swap in the Caspian Sea has resumed following a roughly seven-year suspension, National Iranian Oil Co reported Saturday on its website.
Under the swap deals, Iran accepts oil from other Caspian littoral states to use at its Tabriz and Tehran refineries in the north of the country.
In return, it delivers the same amount and quality of crude to its southern oil terminals in the Persian Gulf region for delivery to international customers of Caspian oil suppliers.
Several oil tankers have been offloaded at Neka port on Iran’s shore of the Caspian Sea. The swap consignments will gradually increase in volume, the report said. However, it did not specify the origin of the crude.
