

中国石化新闻网讯 据油气在线休斯敦8月14日消息,印度石油公司(IOC)表示,公司购买的首批美国原油预计在10月1日抵达印度东部。 Bergitta油轮近来已经在南路易斯安娜装载200万桶高含硫Mars原油。在转移至New Prosperity油轮后,这批原油将运往目的地印度奥里萨邦的巴拉迪布。 IOC还表示,公司已经购买第二批190万桶的美国Mars和伊格尔福特原油,将在11月初交付至印度西海岸的古吉拉特邦的瓦迪纳。 去年印度放宽了原油进口的规定。 唐绍红 摘译自 油气在线 原文如下: IOC begins importing US crude Indian Oil Corp. Ltd. said its first cargo of US crude oil is expected to arrive in eastern India by Oct. 1.
The crude oil tanker was recently loaded in South Louisiana with 2 million bbl of “high-sulphur crude oil.” Following a transfer to the crude tanker, the crude has a destination of Paradip, Odisha. State-owned Indian Oil also said it bought a second cargo of 1.9 million bbl of US crude of and Eagle Ford grades for delivery on the west coast at Vadinar, Gujarat, in early November. India eased regulations on crude imports last year .
