

中国石化新闻网讯 据TABNinfo网站8月12日莫斯科报道,俄罗斯通讯社塔斯社援引欧佩克8月份石油市场报告报道说,与2017年的水平相比,欧佩克以外的石油生产国在2018年将把他们生产的石油的每天供应量提高110万桶至5887万桶。 塔斯社说,这个最新预测略低于预期的需求增长。欧佩克在前一次估计中曾预测非欧佩克产油国明年石油供应量将日增9000桶至5896万桶。 根据塔斯社报道,特别是明年美国的石油供应量与2017年水平相比将每天增加84万桶,日产量将达到1513万桶,而俄罗斯明年的石油供应量将日增13万桶至1124万桶。 李峻 编译自 TABNinfo.com 原文如下: Non-Opec countries ‘will raise supply in 2018’ MoscowThe oil producing countries outside Opec will increase their supply of oil produced in 2018 by 1.1 million barrels per day in comparison with the level of 2017 to 58.87 million barrels per day, a report said.
That is slightly lower than the expected growth in demand, Russian news agency Tass reported, citing Opec’s August monthly oil market report.
The previous estimate was higher by 9,000 barrels and amounted to 58.96 million barrels.
In particular, in 2018, oil supply from the US will increase by 840,000 barrels per day in comparison with the level of 2017 to 15.13 million, oil supply from Russia – by 130,000 barrels to 11.24 million barrels, according to the report.
