

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯8月10日布宜诺斯艾利斯报道,阿根廷政府周四表示,由于不断增加的投资在油田服务行业造成了瓶颈,阿根廷政府决定让进口二手钻机变得更容易,这是一项广受期待的旨在刺激钻探活动来提高石油和天然气产量的措施。 根据在官方公告上发布的一项总统令,阿根廷的公司从今以后将能够进口二手钻机和其它设备,只要这些设备的已使用年限没有超过10年。 阿根廷政府表示,这项计划将于本周五生效,并一直持续到2019年6月30日。 根据这项法令,进口商将对二手设备支付7%的进口关税,其中一些设备的进口关税为0%,而另一些设备的进口关税为14%。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Argentina eases used rig imports to spur drilling, boost output Argentina’s government said Thursday it is making it easier to import used rigs, a widely awaited measure aimed at spurring drilling activity to boost oil and natural gas production as rising investment creates bottlenecks in the oilfield services industry.
Companies will be able to import used rigs and other equipment, as long as the supplies are no more than 10 years old,” according to a presidential decree published in the Official Bulletin.
The scheme will take effect Friday and run until June 30, 2019, the government said.
Importers will pay 7% import duties on the used equipment, with some equipment allowed to come in at 0% and others at 14%, according to the decree.  
