中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月8日圣保罗报道,巴西国家石油公司(巴西国油)首席执行官佩德罗·帕伦特周二(8日)在圣保罗进行的一次行业会议上指出,巴西有希望的海上盐下井的石油开采成本大约为每桶8美元。 仅在10年前才发现的盐下地区已迅速成为了巴西国油和其他持有一些大型储量勘探权的石油巨头们的首要任务。 今年7月份,巴西国油来自盐下井的石油产量首次超过了来自该国所有其它油田的产量总和。 帕伦特说:“今天,盐下石油的开采成本大约为每桶8美元。现在的问题是勘探盐下油藏已经推迟。” 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Petrobras CEO: Pre-Salt Oil Extraction Costs $8 Per Barrel Oil extraction in Brazil’s promising pre-salt offshore wells costs about $8 per barrel, Petroleo Brasileiro SA Chief Executive Officer Pedro Parente said at an event in Sao Paulo on Tuesday. Discovered only 10 years ago, the pre-salt area has rapidly become the top priority for Petrobras and other oil majors holding exploration rights to some of its large reserves. Output from pre-salt wells surpassed the combined volumes from all other fields in the country for the first time in July. “Pre-salt, today, has an extraction cost of $8 per barrel. The problem was the delay in exploring pre-salt,” Parente said.