

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯8月7日拉各斯报道,尼日利亚石油部周一在拉各斯公布的统计数据显示,由于这个欧佩克成员国继续增加石油产量,尼日利亚7月份石油(包括凝析油)平均日产量攀升到了206万桶。 尼日利亚石油部说,尼日利亚7月份石油日产量从6月份的205万桶增加到了206万桶并比一年前生产设施受到尼日尔三角洲武装分子袭击时的石油日产量大幅增加了46万桶。 在武装分子要求控制该地区石油资源的活动放松以后,尼日利亚的石油产量出现了稳步攀升。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Nigerian oil output in July climbs to 2.06 million b/d Nigeria’s average oil production including condensates, increased to 2.06 million b/d in July, the country’s petroleum ministry said Monday, as the OPEC member continued to ramp up production.
The ministry said the country’s crude output stood at 2.06 million b/d in July, up from 2.05 million b/d in June, and a sharp increase over the 1.6 million b/d output a year ago when production facilities were hit by attacks from Niger Delta militants.
Nigerian oil output has climbed steadily following a respite in activity by militants demanding control of the region’s oil resources.  
