

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯8月8日消息,如果有迹象显示全球原油市场仍将维持供应过剩,那么至少从当前的情况来看,欧洲成品油库存将趋于紧张。巴克莱表示,意大利炼油商Saras已经表示公司8月份的柴油供应已经销售一空,上周欧洲炼油利润升至自2015年9月以来的最高水平。美元疲软已经刺激需求强劲增长,同时还叠加了一系列的非计划停工,包括壳牌巨大的Pernis炼油厂发生火灾而关停。但是巴克莱表示,今年晚些时候,欧洲炼油利润或将回落,因为停工炼油厂开始重启以及亚洲新建炼油厂投产。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯
Europe’s Refined Products Stocks Look Tight If signs of oversupply remain in the crude oil market, Europe’s stocks of refined products is looking considerably tighter–at least for now. Italian refiner Saras has indicated that it’s sold out of its diesel supply for August and refining margins in Europe rose to their highest levels since September 2015 last week, according to Barclays. Strong demand, helped by a weak dollar, has been compounded by a number of outages–including the shut down of Royal Dutch Shell PLC’s giant Pernis refinery following a fire. But Barclays says margins are likely to fall back later in the year as refineries start back up and news ones begin operation in Asia.  
