中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯8月8日消息,欧佩克在新闻公告中称,沙特、科威特和俄罗斯在阿布扎比与阿联酋、伊拉克、哈萨克斯坦和马来西亚就后面四国的产量计划举行会议,阿联酋、伊拉克、哈萨克斯坦和马来西亚这四个国家的产量没有完全遵守减产承诺。今年5月,欧佩克和10个非欧佩克产油国同意将削减180万桶/天产量的减产协议延长九个月。但是截止5月份,欧佩克第二大和第三大产油国伊拉克和阿联酋的承诺减产量只完成了29%和60%,而哈萨克斯坦实际增产了2.8万桶/天。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯
原文如下: Saudis, Russia Grill Noncompliant Producers Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Russia held meetings with the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Kazakhstan and Malaysia over their production plans in Abu Dhabi, the cartel says in a press release, after these four countries failed to fully comply with their commitments to cut oil production. OPEC and 10 other countries agreed in May to renew by nine months an agreement to reduced their combined output by a combined 1.8M barrels a day. But Iraq and the UAE, respectively the second and third largest producer in OPEC, have only carried 29% and 60% of the promised reductions as of May, while Kazakhstan has actually increased its output by 28,000 barrels a day.