

中国石化新闻网讯 据《油气杂志》8月7日休斯敦报道,挪威国家石油公司(挪油)日前在距离2013年维斯廷石油发现东北大约30公里的巴伦支海中获得了一个重要天然气发现。 这是挪油2017年巴伦支海勘探战役获得的第3个发现。在此之前,挪油在7月份获得了卡亚克石油发现和布拉马恩天然气发现。 挪威国家石油理事会说,发现井在具有良好储层质量的Sto地层砂岩中钻遇了19米高的气柱以及在Snadd地层中钻遇了5米高的油柱。 担任作业者的挪油拥有55%股份,其合作伙伴奥地利OMV和挪威Petoro分别拥有25%和20%的股份。 李峻 编译自 油气杂志 原文如下: Statoil makes natural gas discovery in Barents Sea Statoil ASA reported a natural gas discovery in the Barents Sea, about 30 km northeast of the 2013 Wisting oil discovery.
It’s the third discovery in Statoil’s 2017 Barents Sea exploration campaign following announcements in July of the Kayak oil discovery and the Blamann gas discovery. The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate said the well encountered a 19-m gas column in Sto formation sandstone with good reservoir quality and a 5-m oil column in Snadd formation sandstone. Operator Statoil has 55%, OMV 25%, and Petoro 20%  
