

中国石化新闻网讯 《油气杂志》8月4日休斯敦报道,俄罗斯国有石油巨头俄罗斯石油公司(俄油)公布的统计数据显示,由于资产收购以及新项目开发,俄油上半年平均日产574万桶油当量的石油和天然气,同比大幅增加了10.2%。 统计数据显示,俄油上半年液体产量增加了11.4%,而天然气产量增加了2.9%。 俄油说,由于根据与欧佩克达成的减产协议限制俄罗斯产量,俄油第二季度的油气产量比第一季度下降了1.2%。 统计数据还显示,俄油上半年资本支出4070亿卢布,同比增加了32.1%。开发钻井公里数同比增加了21.9%。 李峻 编译自 油气杂志 原文如下: Rosneft posts production increases in first half Rosneft PJSC said its first-half hydrocarbon production averaged 5.74 million boe/d, up 10.2% vs. first-half 2016. The company cited acquisitions and new projects development.
First-half liquids production increased 11.4% while natural gas production increased 2.9%. Rosneft said liquids production declined 1.2% in the second quarter vs. the first quarter due to limitations for Russian oil producers related to agreements with the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Capital expenditures of 407 billion rubles in the first half were up by 32.1% vs. the first half of 2016. Development drilling in km was up 21.9%.
