中国石化新闻网讯 据 《油气杂志》 8月4日休斯敦报道,美国在用钻机总数在8月4日结束的那周里出现了2016年5月底-6月初钻井活动开始反弹以来的最大降幅。 贝克休斯公司4日公布的统计数据显示,美国在用钻机总数在8月4日结束的一周内减少了4部,减少到了954部。上周美国在用钻机总数下行趋势主要由天然气钻机数减少造成。 统计数据显示,上周美国在用石油钻机数减少了1部至765部,这也是过去6周内第三次减少。 上周美国在用天然气钻机数减少了3部至189部,美国在用天然气钻机数自5月份以来大多数时间里没有增加,但自去年8月26日以来仍增加了108部。 根据美国能源情报署的初步估计,美国原油产量继续上升。在截至7月28日的一周内,美国原油日产量增加了2万桶,达到了943万桶,比去年同期增加了97万桶。 李峻 编译自 油气杂志 原文如下: Baker Hughes: US rig count drops for third time in 6 weeks The overall US rig count has recorded its largest decline since before the drilling rebound commenced in late May-early June of 2016. Baker Hughes’ tally of active rigs in the US dropped 4 units during the week ended Aug. 4 to 954. However, this week’s downward movement was primarily supplied by gas-directed rigs. US oil-directed rigs edged down a unit to 765, also their third drop of the past 6 weeks. Gas-directed rigs fell 3 units to 189, mostly stagnant since May but still up 108 units since last Aug. 26. US crude oil production, meanwhile, continues to rise according to preliminary estimates from the US Energy Information Administration. Output during the week ended July 28 rose 20,000 b/d to 9.43 million b/d, up 970,000 b/d year-over-year. The Lower 48 contributed 25,000 b/d while Alaska dropped 5,000 b/d.