中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社新德里8月4日消息,未来几年印度最大的炼油商印度石油公司(IOC)将投资24亿美元将其位于印度西部的炼油厂扩能约三分之一,以满足当地日益增长的燃料需求。 周五宣布的计划将令古吉拉特邦Koyali炼油厂的加工能力到2021年底前达到36万桶/天。这是IOC在2030年前通过新建装置和对现有装置进行扩能将炼油能力提高约89%达到300万桶/天的计划的一部分。
张春晓 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Indian Oil plans $2.4 B expansion of Gujarat refinery India’s top refiner Indian Oil Corp will spend $2.4 B to increase capacity at its refinery in western India by about a third over the next few years to meet rising local demand for fuel. The plan, announced on Friday, will enable the plant in Gujarat state to process 360,000 bdp of oil by the end of 2021. It is part of IOC’s vision to increase its refining capacity by about 89 percent to 3 MMbpd by 2030 by building new plants and expanding some existing ones. The 274,000 bpd Koyali refinery, built in 1965, has five crude units and IOC wants to replace four of them with a single 300,000 bpd crude unit. The $2.4 B expansion will also enable the Gujarat plant to process cheaper, tougher oil grades and improve profitability. The secondary units at the plant will be ready by the end of 2022, IOC said in a statement.