一直以来,海底设备用飞线都被认为是海底基础设施中的一个被动元素,即只是作为电力和数据的传输介质。近日,Teledyne Oil & Gas成功对海底用飞线进行了升级,将传统的只能被动发挥传输作用的飞线转变为能够利用跨接器将电子产品与连接器/网络集合在一起的新产品—光电复合飞线(EOFL)。通过技术升级,飞线不再是被动传输工具,能在海底传输中发挥更重要的作用。
光电复合飞线(EOFL)具有诸多技术创新点,比如飞线的一端为Nautilus RS混合接头,另一端为7/12通道的Nautilus接头;集成电子/光学转化器位于液压平衡的油管内;电子光学元件使用承压上线为1ATM的外壳保护,一端由玻璃-金属接头保护,另一端由密封光纤接头保护。
- 最大化光电信号转化效率;
- 承受的最高压力:4000m(6000psi),3000 m (10000 psi);
- 使用寿命为三十年(假设工作温度为4摄氏度时);
- 电源要求:24伏直流电源;
- 长度上限为300米;
- 适用温度:海水—23华氏度至104华氏度;空气—零下4华氏度至122华氏度。
如需获取关于该技术的更多资料,请联系石油圈技术小编惊蛰,QQ 2582825239。
来自/Teledyne Oil & Gas 译者/王苏涵 编辑/Lemon Zhang
Traditionally, flying leads have been considered a passive element in subsea infrastructure, meaning that power and data move through the system without interference or modification. Teledyne Oil & Gas has developed a technology platform to evolve the role of the flying lead. The Active Flying Lead product family will allow for the use of electronics integrated into a connector or in- line with the jumper, transforming the Flying Lead into an active component in a subsea data transmission system.
The Electrical Optical Flying Lead (EOFL), the newest entrant to the Active Flying Lead product line, features a Nautilus Rolling Seal Hybrid connector on one side, and a 7- or 12 –way Nautilus electrical connector on the other, with a qualified integrated electrical/optical converter within the pressure balanced, oil-filled hose (PBOF). The electro- optical components are housed in a 1 ATM enclosure and protected on one side by glass to metal seal penetrators, and a hermetic fiber penetrator on the other.
Suited for connectivity on subsea control modules, data transmission systems, umbilical terminations, electrical junction boxes and other subsea structures, the EOFL converts an electrical signal to a fiber optic signal, currently allowing up to 100 Mbit/sec data speed over 2 twisted pairs to be converted to one single fiber. The EOFL will be able to run 1 Gigabit/sec over 4 twisted pairs if needed.
The EOFL is designed with a modular power converter, which allows for different power inputs to be used without redesign, increasing flexibility in project requirements and reducing development time and costs. The use of Small Form-factor Pluggable transceivers (SFP’s) allows several jumper configurations to be possible.
Including the EOFL into the layout allows for greater field architecture flexibility, while at the same time adding redundancy to the system for increased reliability.
- Demons
- 毕业于中国石油大学(北京),化学工程与技术硕士,长期聚焦国内外石油行业前沿技术装备信息,具有数十万字技术文献翻译经验。如需获取更多技术资料,请联系Demons(QQ2582825239;微信15810965891)