

据WENews网站7月31日维也纳报道,路透社日前进行的一次调查结果显示,由于不受减产协议限制的利比亚石油产量进一步增加,欧佩克7月份石油产量平均每天增加了9万桶,日产量达到了今年迄今为止的高点。 沙特阿拉伯石油供应下降以及安哥拉出口下降帮助了欧佩克将其对石油供应限制的执行率提高到了84%。尽管这一数据高于6月份修正后的77%,但这两个月的执行率均已从今年早些时候的逾90%水平回落。 来自利比亚的额外石油产量意味着最初参与这个减产协议的13个欧佩克成员国的石油供应已经远远超出了他们的隐含产量目标。 不受减产协议限制的利比亚和尼日利亚石油产量的增加增加了以欧佩克为首的旨在摆脱全球市场供应过剩局面努力的挑战。为了解决这一问题,7月24日召开的会议上,成员国部长们对尼日利亚的石油产量进行了限制,欧佩克官员将于下周举行会谈来讨论提高减产协议的执行率。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Oil Output Jumps to 2017 High on Further Libya Recovery
OPEC oil output has risen this month by 90,000 barrels per day (bpd) to a 2017 high, a Reuters survey found, led by a further recovery in supply from Libya, one of the countries exempt from a production-cutting deal.
A dip in supply from Saudi Arabia and lower Angolan exports helped to boost OPEC’s adherence to its supply curbs to 84 percent. While this is up from a revised 77 percent in June, compliance in both months has fallen from levels above 90 percent earlier in the year.
The extra oil from Libya means supply by the 13 OPEC members originally part of the deal has risen far above their implied production target. A gain in Libyan and Nigerian output has added to the challenge the OPEC-led effort is facing to get rid of excess supply on world markets. To address this, ministers at a July 24 meeting moved to cap Nigerian output and officials are holding talks next week on improving compliance.  
