据《油气杂志》8月1日休斯敦报道,荷兰皇家壳牌公司旗下子公司壳牌荷兰炼油公司麾下位于荷兰鹿特丹的40.4万桶/天佩尔尼斯炼油厂和综合化石化生产基地在7月29日电力中断造成工厂发了生爆炸和火灾以后将继续关闭至少两周。 壳牌公司8月1日表示,壳牌公司预计最早在8月下半月的某个时候前将不会重启欧洲最大炼油厂佩尔尼斯炼油厂的生产,这样火力发电厂遭受的损失能够在此期间被完全修复。 尽管壳牌公司已经完成了这个炼油厂大部分运行装置的安全和可控关闭,但运营商证实,在7月31日晚上对已关闭装置进行冲洗工作中发生了氟化氢泄漏。 李峻 编译自 油气杂志 原文如下: Shell warns of extended shutdown for Rotterdam refinery Royal Dutch Shell PLC subsidiary Shell Nederland Raffinaderij BV’s 404,000-b/d Pernis refinery and integra ted petrochemical production site in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, will remain shut down for at least 2 weeks for repair work following a July 29 power outage that caused an explosion and fire at the site.
Shell does not expect to restart the Pernis refinery—Europe’s largest—until sometime during second-half August at the earliest so that damage to the complex’s fire-impacted power station can be fully repaired, the company said on Aug. 1. While Shell has completed the safe and controlled shutdown of most operating units at the refinery, the operator confirmed a release of hydrogen fluoride occurred on the evening of July 31 during rinse work at one of the already shuttered units.