中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯8月1日消息,美国海上风电行业继续加快增长,特斯拉正加入这一行业。这家电动汽车和电池制造商将为由Deepwater Wind公司将建造的海上风电场提供储电系统,Deepwater Wind建造了美国第一个海上风电场。Deepwater Wind称,如果这一144兆瓦的项目获得批准,将建于Martha’s Vineyard以南12英里的海上,将采用特斯拉提供的40兆瓦时电池系统。Deepwater Wind还计划建两个海上风电场∶一个为纽约长岛供电的90兆瓦项目和一个为马里兰州供电的120兆瓦项目。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Tesla Building Wind-Farm Energy Storage System The offshore wind industry continues gaining speed in the US, and Tesla (TSLA) is joining in. The car and battery maker will provide an energy storage system for a newly-proposed offshore wind farm that would be built by Deepwater Wind, the developer behind the nation’s first offshore wind farm. Deepwater Wind says the 144-megawatt project, if approved, will be paired with a 40-megawatt-hour battery system provided by TSLA, and built about 12 miles south of Martha’s Vineyard. Deepwater Wind has two other proposed offshore wind farms: a 90-megawatt project that would serve Long Island and a 120-megawatt project to serve Maryland.