

中国石化新闻网讯 据《油气杂志》8月1日休斯敦报道,总部设在达拉斯的能源传输合作伙伴公司(ETP)麾下的全资子公司能源传输州际控股公司和ET罗孚管道有限责任公司日前与由黑石能源合作伙伴公司和黑石资本合作伙伴公司管理的基金签署了一项协议,把ETP在罗孚管道项目中持有的32.44%股份出售给黑石集团。黑石集团将向ET罗孚管道有限责任公司中的49.9%股份支付15.7亿美元现金。ET罗孚管道有限责任公司拥有这个天然气管道项目的65%股份。 ET罗孚管道公司和罗孚管道有限责任公司将建造这条长700英里具有日输送32.5亿立方英尺天然气能力的管道。一旦这条管道投入使用,两家公司将经营这条管道。罗孚公司将把天然气从马塞勒斯和尤蒂卡页岩产区输送到美国市场以及输送到加拿大安大略省的道恩联合气体中心进行重新分配,天然气要么返回美国要么进入加拿大市场。 李峻 编译自 油气杂志 原文如下: ETP to sell 32.44% Rover Pipeline stake to Blackstone Energy Transfer Partners LP’s wholly owned subsidiaries, Energy Transfer Interstate Holdings LLC and ET Rover Pipeline LLC have signed an agreement with funds managed by Blackstone Energy Partners and Blackstone Capital Partners for sale of ETP’s 32.44% stake in the Rover Pipeline project to Blackstone. Blackstone will pay $1.57 billion in cash for a 49.9% interest in ET Rover Pipeline, which owns 65% of the natural gas pipeline project.
ET Rover Pipeline and Rover Pipeline LLC are building the 700-mile, 3.25-bcfd pipeline and will operate it once in service. Rover will move gas from the Marcellus and Utica shale production areas to markets across the US and to Union Gas Dawn Hub in Ontario, Canada, for redistribution either back to the States or into the Canadian market.  
