中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油网站7月31日俄克拉荷马城报道,戴文能源公司日前宣布已签署了一项最终协议,其将货币化位于拉瓦卡县的鹰滩页岩区资产。结合该公司达成其他小型资产剥离运作,其距离日前宣布的10亿美元总剥离目标,已实现3.4亿美元。拉瓦卡县资产的交易需遵守惯例条款和条件,预计在2017年底完成。 戴文能源公司总裁兼首席执行官戴夫•海格表示,“此次高额资产的出售,是我们在2018年前实现10亿美元资产剥离计划的重要一步。这次出售所得款项将进一步强化我们的投资财务状况,并将提升我们运作美国顶级资源的灵活性”。 章盈盈 摘译自 世界石油网站 原文如下: Devon Energy announces $340 million of non-core asset sales in the Eagle Ford OKLAHOMA CITY — Devon Energy Corp. announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to monetize its Lavaca County assets in the Eagle Ford play. Combined with other minor asset sales completed across its U.S. operations, proceeds from the company’s recently announced $1-billion divestiture program have now reached $340 million. The Lavaca County transaction is subject to customary terms and conditions and is expected to close by the end of 2017. “These highly-accretive asset sales are an important step in executing on our $1-billion divestiture program over the next year,” said Dave Hager, president and CEO. “The divestiture proceeds will further strengthen our investment-grade financial position and provide us additional flexibility to build operational momentum across our top-tier U.S. resource plays.”