

中国石化新闻网讯 据美国彭博新闻社7月31日休斯敦报道,作为美国国内唯一一家把美国页岩气输送到海外市场的公司,钱尼尔能源公司日前已开始在第四家工厂液化这种燃烧清洁的燃料,此举将确保钱尼尔能源公司在今年实现页岩气出口能力翻番的目标。 一位因信息没有公开而要求匿名的知情人士说,位于钱尼尔能源公司在路易斯安那州萨宾帕斯联合体的工厂正在冷却并将气体冷凝成液体,这样冷却后的液体可以装载到油轮上外运。 总部设在休斯敦的钱尼尔能源公司已经正在从位于萨宾帕斯终端的3个工厂生产液化天然气(LNG)并正在努力在今年年底前全面投产第四个LNG生产厂。 第四个LNG生产厂的启动将使更多的美国天然气进入一个已经供应充足的全球市场。 自去年年初开始运营以来,钱尼尔能源公司已经向大约24个从智利到中国的国家输送了页岩气。这对美国的天然气钻探商来说是一种安慰,他们越来越多地在国外寻找需求的来源,并在今年提振了国内天然气的价格。 李峻 编译自 美国彭博新闻社 原文如下: Cheniere Is Said to Be Liquefying Natural Gas at a Fourth Plant Cheniere Energy Inc., the only company sending America’s shale gas overseas, has begun liquefying the fuel at a fourth plant, keeping the company on a track that will double its export capacity this year. The plant at Cheniere’s Sabine Pass complex in Louisiana is chilling and condensing gas into a liquid so it can be loaded onto tankers, a person familiar with the situation said, asking not be identified because the information isn’t public. The Houston-based company is already producing liquefied natural gas from three plants at the terminal and is working to bring the fourth fully into service by the end of the year. The startup of the fourth plant stands to unleash even more U.S. gas into a worldwide market already awash with supplies. Since beginning operations early last year, Cheniere has sent cargoes of shale gas to about two dozen countries from Chile to China. That’s delivered some relief to U.S. gas drillers who are increasingly looking abroad for sources of demand and has bolstered domestic gas prices this year.  
