

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社7月31日卡尔加里报道,加拿大石油服务协会周一(31日)在卡尔加里表示,由于该行业受益于投资者将资金从油砂中转移出来,加拿大轻质原油生产商今年预计将钻取比此前预计更多的油气井。 加拿大石油服务协会在其年度钻井预测的更新报告中表示,加拿大今年将钻取7200口油气井,比先前估计的6680口油气井高出8%。 加拿大石油服务协会表示,该协会此前低估了投资者在低油价环境下寻求更快资本回报的速度,投资者将从高成本油砂的长期投资转向短周期液体丰富的天然气和页岩油远景区。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Canadian Industry Body Boosts Oil, Gas Drilling Forecast By 8% Canadian light oil producers will drill more wells than previously expected this year as the sector benefits from investors transferring capital out of the oil sands, the Petroleum Services Association of Canada said on Monday In an update to its annual drilling forecast PSAC said 7,200 wells will be drilled this year, 8 percent higher than its prior estimate of 6,680 wells. The industry body said it had underestimated how fast investors looking for a swifter return on capital in a low oil price environment would switch from long-term investments in the high-cost oil sands to short-cycle liquid rich natural gas and shale oil plays.
