中国石化新闻网讯 据TABNinfo网站7月31日德黑兰报道,伊朗石油部长赞加内31日在德黑兰接受伊朗媒体记者采访时说,伊朗和伊拉克正在接近铺设一条通过伊朗从伊拉克北部基尔库克油田转移原油的管道。 赞加内和其伊拉克同行伊拉克石油部长卢艾比还达成了一项有关邀请一家国际公司对这个项目进行可行性研究的协议。 伊朗媒体报道说,伊拉克和伊朗在今年2月份签署了一项谅解备忘录来研究铺设这条输油管道。 李峻 编译自 原文如下: Iran, Iraq plan building Kirkuk pipeline TehranIran and Iraq are moving closer to building a pipeline to transfer crude oil from the northern Iraqi fields of Kirkuk via Iran, Iran’s Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh was quoted as saying in a media report.
Zanganeh and his Iraqi counterpart Jabar al-Luaibi also reached an agreement on an international company that will conduct feasibility study on the project, Zanganeh was quoted as saying by Iran Daily, which cited Shana.
Iraq and Iran signed a memorandum of understanding in February to study the construction of the pipeline, the report said.