

中国石化新闻网讯 据TABNinfo网站7月31日德黑兰报道,据伊朗媒体报道,伊朗国家石油公司(NIOC)与国际公司和国内公司签署了旨在对开发阿扎代干油田进行可行性研究的谅解备忘录。 根据伊朗大学生通讯社(ISNA)报道,伊朗NIOC与法国道达尔公司、马来西亚国家石油公司、日本国际石油开发株式会社和荷兰皇家壳牌公司以及国内Tenco公司签署了有关协议。 伊朗时下正在寻求增加原油产量,拥有370亿桶石油储量的阿扎代干油田是伊朗国内最大油田之一,伊朗与邻国伊拉克共同拥有这个大油田。 伊朗在1999年发现了阿扎代干油田,这是伊朗在几十年里获得的最大石油发现。伊朗随后把这个项目分成南阿扎代干油田和北阿扎代干油田。 李峻 编译自 TABNinfo.com 原文如下: NIOC signs MoUs for developing Azadegan field National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) has signed memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with international and Iranian companies to conduct feasibility studies on developing Azadegan oilfield, a report suggested. According to the report published by ISNA, the deals were inked with companies such as France’s Total, Malaysia’s Petronas, Japan’s Inpex and Royal Dutch Shell as well as the Iranian Tenco firm. Iran is looking to increase crude output, and with 37 billion barrels of oil, Azadegan oilfield, which is shared with neighboring Iraq, is the country’s largest. The Islamic Republic discovered the Azadegan oilfield in 1999 in what was Iran’s biggest oil find in decades. The NIOC later divided the project into South Azadegan and North Azadegan.
