

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯7月26日消息,路易斯安那州海洋石油港口(LOOP))将从2018年起出口美国原油。到目前为止,这座距离海岸线17英里通过输油管道连接到岸上的油港是美国唯一一座能够从超大型油轮(VLCC)上卸载进口石油的油港。VLCC油轮是能够运输石油的最大油轮之一。当前似乎将用这类油轮运输美国的出口原油。根据标准普尔普氏能源资讯公司分析部门PIRA Energy称,上述举措可能有助于提振墨西哥湾出产的中质含硫原油的发货量,并且让出口商每桶节约50美分左右的成本。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Mega Oil Port To Begin Exporting US Crude in 2018 The Louisiana Offshore Oil Port will start exporting American crude in 2018. So far, LOOP– which is 17 miles out to sea and connected to shore by pipeline–has been the only US port capable of unloading oil imports from very large crude carriers. VLCC tankers are among the largest ships that can move oil. Now it appears set to load them. The move is likely to help boost shipments of medium sour crude grades pumped in the Gulf of Mexico and allow exporters to save roughly 50 cents a barrel over shipping costs they have to pay now, according to PIRA Energy, an analytical unit of S&P Global Platts.  
