

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社新加坡7月26日消息,两位知情人士表示,阿联酋将进口该国首批来自于美国的石油船货,因为在外交危机后,阿联酋正在寻求替代卡塔尔凝析油供应的资源。 阿联酋、沙特、埃及和巴林在指责卡塔尔支持恐怖组织后,断绝了与卡塔尔的外交和运输关系,此后阿联酋停止从卡塔尔进口凝析油。 知情人士周三表示,阿布扎比国家石油公司(ADNOC)通过标书购买了9月份抵达的美国伊格尔福特凝析油船货。 一位知情人士称,具体的购买量没有透露,但是这批船货将由一艘可以装载200万桶石油的超级油轮运输。 庞晓华 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: UAE buys first US oil cargo to replace Qatar condensate The United Arab Emirates will import the country’s first oil cargo from the United States, two sources familiar with the matter said, as the OPEC producer sought substitutes to replace Qatari condensate supplies after a diplomatic row. The UAE halted condensate imports from Qatar after it, along with Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Bahrain, severed diplomatic and transport ties with Qatar after accusing it of supporting terrorism, a claim which Doha denies. Abu Dhabi National Oil Co (ADNOC) bought a US Eagle Ford condensate cargo in a tender for September arrival, the sources said on Wednesday. Specific volumes were not available but the cargo will arrive in a supertanker that can carry up to 2 MMbbl of oil, one of the sources said.  
