

中国石化新闻网讯 据美国彭博新闻社7月25日伦敦报道,阿联酋日前重申了其对欧佩克减产协议的承诺,并表示阿联酋将从9月起进一步削减本国的石油产量。 阿联酋能源大臣马兹鲁伊周二在推特上说,阿布扎比国家石油公司的穆尔班原油、达斯原油和上扎库姆原油的出货量从9月份起将减少10%。他说:“阿联酋承诺履行其在欧佩克减产协议中份额。” 在此之前,沙特能源和工业大臣法利赫周一批评了石油输出国组织的部分成员国没有履行他们承诺的供应削减。根据国际能源署的统计数据,阿联酋只实现了其承诺的平均每日削减13.9万桶原油产量的54%。 由于担忧全球不断增加的供应将削弱欧佩克与包括俄罗斯在内的盟友之间上个月达成的具有历史意义协议的影响,油价在上个月陷入了熊市。 李峻 编译自 美国彭博新闻社 原文如下: UAE pledges further oil output cuts starting in September The United Arab Emirates reiterated its commitment to the OPEC agreement on production cuts and said it would deepen its own curbs. The Abu Dhabi National Oil Co.’s shipments of Murban, Das and Upper Zakum crudes will be 10% lower from September, Minister of Energy Suhail Al Mazrouei said in a tweet on Tuesday. “The UAE is committed to its share in the OPEC production cut,” he said. The move follows criticism on Monday from Saudi Minister of Energy and Industry Khalid Al-Falih of members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries who haven’t fulfilled their pledged supply reductions. The UAE has only implemented 54% of its promised 139,000-bpd cut on average, according to the International Energy Agency. Oil slumped into a bear market last month on concerns that rising global supply was blunting the impact of the historic supply agreement last year between OPEC and allies including Russia.
