

中国石化新闻网讯 据《全球能源新闻》7月23日新德里报道,印度政府说,印度政府日前举行了其首次咨询委员会会议来制定一份雄心勃勃的旨在把油气进口量削减10%的路线图。 印度石油和天然气部长普拉丹主持了这个负责削减油气依赖性的咨询委员会的首次会议。在会议期间,普拉丹说,扩大国内油气开发——包括页岩储量和煤层气——可以在下一个10年开始时帮助实现印度政府的目标。 普拉丹在会上强调了政府各部委共同商议和协调努力的重要性,它将为加速油气勘探和生产活动创造一个有利的环境。” 印度打算通过利用新的太阳能和风能来源在2022年前把本国可再生能源发电能力提高3倍达到175兆瓦。 李峻 编译自 全球能源新闻 原文如下: India starts path to cut oil, gas imports The government of India said it held its first advisory council meeting to lay out an ambitious road map to cut oil and gas imports by 10 percent. Indian Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan chaired the first meeting for the body tasked with cutting oil and gas dependency. During the meeting, the ministry said expanding domestic oil and gas developments, including shale reserves, and coal-bed methane could help the country achieve its goals for the start of the next decade. “Pradhan stressed on the importance of concerted and coordinated efforts by all ministries to create an enabling environment for accelerated exploration and production activities,” the ministry stated. India aims to triple its renewable power capacity by 2022 to 175 gigawatts by drawing on new solar and wind energy sources.  
