中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯7月24日消息,国际货币基金组织(IMF)称,当前全球石油市场对于中东局势的敏感度已经低于过去。IMF经济顾问和研究部门主管Maurice Obstfeld表示,这主要是由于在过去的几年中,美国页岩油产量已经大幅增长。IMF表示,美国页岩油产量已经被证实弹性很大。就油价方面,IMF认为不会出现大的波动。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Global Oil Market Less Sensitive to Mideast Developments: IMF The global oil market is less sensitive to developmetns in the Middle East than it was in the past, according to the IMF. This is largely due to the rise of US shale oil production in the past few years, says Maurice Obstfeld, the IMF’s economic counselor and research department director. The IMF says US shale output has proved “very resilient.” On oil prices, the IMF doesn’t see large moves ahead.