中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社7月20日胡拜尔报道,一名业内消息人士周四对路透社记者说,沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美)旗下的迈尼费大油田——沙特阿美最大油田之一——的石油生产没有受到任何技术问题的影响。 上周,《国际石油日报》曾报道说,作为用于维持储油层压力的注水系统腐蚀的一个结果,迈尼费大油田的石油生产受到了严重影响。 另外一名消息人士说,自今年5月份以来,迈尼费大油田的阿拉伯重质原油的日出口量一直维持在70万至80万桶。 分两个阶段投产的迈尼费大油田具有日产90万桶阿拉伯重质原油的能力。 沙特阿美曾说,迈尼费油田是世界第5大油田以及是沙特阿美开发面临最具挑战性的油田之一。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Saudi’s Manifa Oilfield Producing, Not Affected By Technical Issue Saudi Aramco’s Manifa oilfield, one of its largest, is producing and has not been affected by any technical issue, an industry source told Reuters on Thursday. Last week, the International Oil Daily reported that production had been hit as a result of corrosion of the water injection system used to maintain pressure in the reservoir. Exports of Arab Heavy crude have been more or less flat since May at 700,000-800,000 bpd, another source said. The field, which was brought online in two phases, has a production capacity of 900,000 barrels per day of Arabian Heavy crude. Aramco has said Manifa is the world’s fifth-largest oilfield and one of Saudi Aramco’s most challenging to develop.