中国石化新闻网讯 据油气在线休斯敦7月20日消息,据报导称英国石油公司(BP)正在评估将旗下美国中游资产进行业主有限合伙的首次公开发行(MLP IPO)。 据报导称,这部分资产将包括位于美国中西部和墨西哥湾沿岸的原油、天然气和产品管线。BP据称或将在今年下半年开始进行MLP IPO的报批。 BP在美国本土48州近3500英里长的管线输送原油、天然气和产品。 庞晓华 摘译自 油气在线 原文如下: BP ponders MLP IPO for US midstream assets BP PLC is reportedly evaluating the initial public offering of a master limited partnership for its US midstream assets. The assets being considered reportedly include crude, natural gas, and product pipelines in the US Midwest and Gulf Coast. The company is said to likely begin the regulatory process in this year’s second half. BP transports products through nearly 3,500 miles of pipeline in the US Lower 48.