中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社库拜尔7月19日消息,沙特国际石化公司(Sipchem)周三表示,公司旗下甲醇子公司将在2019年第一季度开始接收来自于沙特阿美壳牌炼油公司(SASREF)的二氧化碳原料。
IMC当前已经拥有96.7万吨/年的甲醇生产能力。Sipchem持有IMC 65%股权,剩余股权由日本公司组成的财团持有。 唐绍红 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Saudi’s Sipchem in CO2 supply agreement with Sasref Saudi International Petrochemical Co (Sipchem) said on Wednesday its methanol affiliate will start receiving supplies of carbon dioxide feedstock from Saudi Aramco Shell Refinery (SASREF) in the first quarter of 2019. Sipchem said the long-term agreement is designed to improve efficiency at its plant in Jubail. In December, the International Methanol Co (IMC) signed a contract with South Korea’s eTEC E&C for work costing $144.6 MM expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2018. The IMC—65% owned by Sipchem, with the rest owned by a group of Japanese companies—has an annual production capacity of 967,000 t of methanol.